Tour Management
When an artist or a band is on the road, either for one gig or an entire tour, all they want, and should worry about, is to perform. All the hassle around the show should not take their, nor the technical crew’s, time or energy.
That is where a Tour Manager comes in. Be it time management, travel, transport, catering, agreements, etc., a Tour Manager is the support pillar for crew and artists. The artist is there for the audience, the crew is there for the artist and we (the Tour Managers) are there for all of them!
It is a high energy job, long hours, not very glamorous (as many might think), but if you like it, you simply love it! If you are an artist, manager or crew and are looking for tour management, please send me a message via the CONTACT page. Talking about possibilities is always productive!

If you run any type of production (events, festival, concerts, recordings, filming, etc.) you know that there are simply more tasks than hands available. A producer, production assistant, or even more than one, is indispensable for the Head Producer who must be able to keep an overview of the entire process.
Schedules, timelines, transport, logistics, accreditation, catering, guests, crew, purchases, backstage support, etc., are items of a production which simply take time and knowledge to be fulfilled.
Trustworthy, discreet, effective and organized work with a personal and thoughtful touch. This is what I bring to a production.

VIP / Artist Handling
Supporting artists or VIP guests during events is a specific function which requires flexibility, politeness, attention, discretion and trust.
Having a contact person who is able to make arrangements with artists, their crews and/or VIP guests brings an extra ease to both artists/VIPs, who know that someone is looking after their needs, and to the production team, who can trust that someone will make sure those extra special guests are happy and attended to.
International visits:
If you or your guest is travelling to, or from, The Netherlands and needs personal travel support, Simply There can provide the following (but not limited to) services:
Coordination of VIP visits (for business or tourism)
Local PA
Airport pick-up and transportation arrangements
Hotel arrangements
International travel support
If you are interested on the above mentioned services, please send a message via the CONTACT page.